We can hardly believe it's time again but we are excited to begin open enrollment for the upcoming school year--August 2021 thru May 2022. Enrolling is easy-- simply locate our […]
Although COVID-19 continues to change the way we do preschool, we are so excited that "the show must go on!" We will be recording each class perform their Holiday songs […]
Newcastle School will be closed December 18, 2020- January 4, 2021 for our traditional Winter Break. We hope you all enjoy the break with school to do things you love […]
Newcastle is excited to welcome new students and their families to our school for an open house. The intent of this open house is for families of new students or […]
Newcastle is excited to welcome new, prospective, or current students and their families to our school for an open house. The intent of this open house is for families of […]
Newcastle is excited to welcome new, prospective, and returning students and their families to our school for an open house. The intent of this open house is for students and […]