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Introducing our Pre-Three Program

We are so happy with our Pre-Three Program.  As our newest program, it is designed to allow older two year old/younger three year old children to start their age appropriate learning experience in a preschool classroom setting, preparing them for our 3-4 preschool classes.  While our other preschool and prekindergarten programs require children to be potty-trained, this program allows children who are not potty-trained, but ready to begin learning in a group environment, to attend preschool and participate in our Newcastle appropriate learning philosophy. The focus of this program is to nurture social and emotional developmental skills while engaging in age appropriate learning activities. A classroom assistant is involved to assist with potty-training if needed.  The offered class times will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:45-2:45 p.m. Call 801-553-0622 or visit our Newcastle School office with any questions you may have about this program.

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